WhoshouldIsee Tracks


synTQ added to vendor-neutral SciY scientific software platform

synTQ added to vendor-neutral SciY scientific software platform

The Optimal Group, consisting of Optimal Industrial Technologies and Optimal Industrial Automation, has added its solutions to the SciY™ platform of advanced, vendor-agnostic scientific software and automation technologies. Optimal’s comprehensive portfolio of...

Optimal announces synTQ User Group Meeting dates for 2023

Optimal announces synTQ User Group Meeting dates for 2023

Optimal Industrial Technologies will hold its next user-focused conference in which the key advantages of its market-leading software synTQ are highlighted from 18th-20th September at Normandy Farm, near Philadelphia, US. The event offers existing and prospective...

Digitalisation in biopharma starts with PAT

Digitalisation in biopharma starts with PAT

With Industry 4.0 quickly becoming an established reality, (bio)pharmaceutical R&D, manufacturing and quality control facilities are implementing novel sensors and analysers that generate complex data. During each digital journey, it is equally significant for...